Will Betta Fins Grow Back?
Many fish owners have other fish in the tank with their bettas. Either through contact with other aggressive fish, other bettas or betta diseases, they may notice the betta fins become torn, ripped or jagged. A common question after noticing this condition is whether the fins will regenerate. Betta Fins - Will damaged fins grow back? The answer lies in how the fish lost part of its fins.
How To Raise Healthy Betta Fish
The Betta fish is indigenous to Thailand. They were first domesticated in 1893 for combat where wagers were made on the outcome of the fight. It wasn't until the 1920s when aquarists began keeping them in home aquariums. Tips on Raising Healthy Betta Fish are found in this article.
Advice About Plakat Betta
The term "pla kat" actually means "fighting fish" in Thailand. The term was shortened to plakat betta somewhere many moons ago, and is used to refer to any short-finned mouth brooding bettas. Plakat Betta - The Hearty Short Finned Betta Fighter, are closer in genetics to nature's bettas, and their shorter fins allow them much better movement in the water than their more dramatic long-finned cousins.
Information About Black Betta
The Black Betta - The Tiny Hermit Betta, one of the smallest betta splendens, reaching only 1.5 inches in length, is naturally found in Southeast Asia and Malaysia. This is the fish that started the myth that all bettas can live in nothing more than a puddle of water. While its small size and poor-water tolerance definitely aid its survival, not all bettas share these tendencies.
How To Successfully Mate Betta's
Betta mating can be a hit or miss proposition unless you stack the odds in your favor. There are certain things you can do that will virtually guarantee that your betta mating endeavour is a success. Betta Mating - The Ins and Outs.
What Tankmates Can Go With A Betta?
Betta tankmates have to be chosen as carefully as a person chooses a roommate. Pick the wrong fish, and your betta will suffer. Choose the wrong roommate for yourself and you may suffer. Betta Tankmates - Choosing Roomies For Your Betta Splendens is a must read for anybody wanting to keep these awesome creatures.
Keep checking back for more aquarium tips, advice, and links for beginners!
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